Monday, October 29, 2012

Hiding and Halloween

I just had to take a picture of this! Our garbage pick up was this morning and this is what I found after they left! They put our neighbors can inside ours! WHY??? Now I don't know whose responsibility this is! :) Do I have to take my neighbors can out and leave it in his yard, or does he have to come get it! Nasty!
My kids are in a hiding phase. That's Jackson under the quilt... and again under the blanket in the car.
And my little penguin and skeleton. They had so much fun at trunk or treat. We had hot chocolate and they got too much candy. It was fun to hand out candy, usually I walk around with the boys, so this was new for me. Luis and I didn't dress up. We are also planning on handing some out Wednesday night, but we don't have much left. Probably the equivalent of one bag. Hope you all have a great Halloween... with lots of treats and not so many tricks!


Kaylee said...

My kids are into hiding right now too!! The boys look cute in their costumes!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures!:) My kids love hiding too!!