Friday, May 13, 2011

My dear, sweet, manipulative Jackson!

Jackson is very familiar with time-out. Usually he makes a fuss or plays with the wall or something. Lately he has learned very well when to say I'm sorry. He now yells "I"m sorry, Mommy" from his time-out corner... which is very sweet. Well the other day he was in time-out and this is what I heard...

Gentle words I hear you say,
Your kind hands help me each day.
Your my mother kind and true,
Dearest mother, I love you.

That is the mother's day song they learned in Primary this year and the one they sang in Sacrament meeting. He was singing that to me from time-out! I'm sure he thought it was too sweet to resist... but he still did his time :)


Lynne said...

That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

Kaylee said...

They sang the same song here. That's so sweet of him!